Inside Precision Medicine Marketplace Molecular Diagnostics XpressAmp™ Direct Amplification Reagents

XpressAmp™ Direct Amplification Reagents

The XpressAmp™ Direct Amplification Reagents provide a fast, RNA extraction-free method to prepare viral samples for PCR-based amplification using commonly available RT-qPCR reagents. Collect the samples by nasopharyngeal swab in universal or viral transport media, and perform direct amplification analysis in RT-qPCR. The simple sample preparation method requires only a 10-minute, room-temperature incubation that is easy to automate.

The XpressAmp™ Direct Amplification Reagents can be adjusted in numerous ways to suit your specific needs. Many customization options are available to you, from purchasing the reagents in bulk, to changing the dispense size, or reformatting and relabeling.


2800 Woods Hollow Rd #5399
Madison, WI 53711-5399

Features & Specs

  • Simple, extraction-free viral sample preparation for RT-qPCR
  • Direct amplification for rapid PCR results
  • Ten-minute, room-temperature sample lysis
  • Requires no heat steps or instrumentation
  • Reduces hands-on time and plastic consumables required
  • Easy to automate for high-throughput needs

Features & Specs

  • Simple, extraction-free viral sample preparation for RT-qPCR
  • Direct amplification for rapid PCR results
  • Ten-minute, room-temperature sample lysis
  • Requires no heat steps or instrumentation
  • Reduces hands-on time and plastic consumables required
  • Easy to automate for high-throughput needs
Inside Precision Medicine