Edico Genome today unveiled the DRAGEN Clinical Genomics Information System (CGIS), designed to enable clinical laboratories of all sizes to develop sequencing-based laboratory developed tests (LDTs) in a manner it said would be quick, simple and efficient.
DRAGEN CGIS includes sample accessioning, lab tracking, secondary analysis of NGS data, tertiary analysis of NGS data, electronic medical record (EMR) integration, test kit offerings and an implementation starters toolkit.
DRAGEN CGIS also integrates Edico Genome’s complete suite of somatic, germline, joint genotyping and RNA gene fusion pipelines with upstream and downstream partnerships, including with Fabric Genomics.
“The adoption of next-generation sequencing is transforming patients’ lives by enabling individualized care, and should not be limited to laboratories based on their size or budgets,” Pieter van Rooyen, Ph.D., president and CEO of Edico Genome, said in a statement. “To ensure that as many patients as possible benefit from the clinical uses of next-generation sequencing, as an industry we must work to provide labs with the tools they need to ease the development of personalized tests.
Last month, Edico Genome and Fabric announced an integrated solution for secondary and tertiary analysis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data that combines Fabric’s Opal™ Clinical genomic interpretation and reporting platform with Edico Genome’s DRAGENTM Bio-IT platform. The solution has been implemented at Rady Children’s Institute for Genomic Medicine, which over the past year has used Opal Clinical and DRAGEN Bio-IT for delivering diagnoses for critically ill children quickly and accurately in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) or pediatric intensive care unit (PICU).
Edico Genome said DRAGEN CGIS will now integrate Fabric Genomics’ newly expanded somatic cancer interpretation capabilities for solid tumors, hematology, and liquid biopsy samples. The somatic cancer offering includes variant calling, annotation from cancer-specific databases, clinical curation from multiple providers, and the ability to quickly create physician-ready clinical reports.
Complying with AMP guidelines, Fabric Genomics’ somatic solution includes a tier-based reporting system, with levels of evidence for each variant’s ability to predict response or resistance to a therapy.
“By combining Fabric Genomics’ interpretation platform with DRAGEN’s variant calling offering, we enable laboratories to quickly interpret and report on genomic insights to guide patient care for hereditary diseases and cancer – a critical gap to overcome for wider genomic adoption in healthcare,” added Martin Reese, Ph.D., co-founder and CEO of Fabric Genomics.
DRAGEN CGIS uses Edico Genome’s Bio-IT platform’s speed, accuracy and computational operational efficiency. DRAGEN CGIS will be the first generation of what Edico Genome said will be a holistic end-to-end solution. The company plans to continue expanding and integrating additional pipeline and partnership offerings, with the goal of delivering greater functionality and utility.
“Our goal is to remove the bottlenecks preventing labs from deploying sequencing-based tests by providing an end-to-end solution that dramatically accelerates time to market, and DRAGEN CGIS is the first step to making this a reality,” Dr. van Rooyen added.
Edico Genome made its announcement at the Association for Molecular Pathology’s 2017 Annual Meeting (AMP) in Salt Lake City. Edico Genomics is at Booth #1802 and Fabric Genomics, at Booth #827.