Podcast Series: Pharmacogenetic Testing – A New Dawn in Precision Mental Healthcare

Dr. Julio Monterrey explains the benefits of genetic screening for psychiatric care

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Dr. Julio Monterrey is a Stanford-trained, board-certified psychiatrist and neuroscientist who specializes in diagnosing and treating complex cases. Dr. Monterrey is a keen observer of medical technology who has adopted pharmacogenetic (PGx) testing as a regular part of patient history taking. Through his experience, Dr. Monterrey has seen substantial benefits from PGx testing for his patients and his practice. He is now an advocate for wider adoption of PGx screening to guide and improve patient care. We spoke with Dr. Monterrey to hear what he has learned working with PGx testing in his psychiatry practice.




Julio Monterrey, MD, MS
Board-Certified Psychiatrist

Damian Doherty
Editor in Chief
Inside Precision Medicine



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