Originally Aired:  July 18, 2022
Time: 8:00 am PT, 11:00 am ET, 17:00 CET

Being a professional in a successful life science company–be it a CRO, a CDMO, a startup, a mid- to medium-sized biotech firm, or an established company with a track record of popular products–requires much more than academic credentials, research expertise and technical knowhow. Soft skills are the competencies required to perform effectively in a biotech team and understand the corporate culture. These are complementary to technical knowledge necessary to acquire and maintain employment in the biotech and biopharma industry. Active listening, critical thinking, time management, negotiation, conflict management, networking are just some examples of soft skills needed in the biotech workplace. Knowing and practicing effective soft skills can help you navigate the unwritten rules of the business world and are essential in growing your professional career. 

Due to an overwhelming number of requests from our audience transitioning to jobs in the biotech industry, in this GEN Learning Lab, we will discuss soft skills needed to fit into the constantly evolving corporate culture of the biotech and biopharma workforce. 


A live Q&A session followed the presentation, offering a chance to pose questions to our expert panelist.

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