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A study found that AI detects prostate cancer more accurately and with fewer false positives than radiologists.

Precision Oncology Today


Into the Dark Unknown

The dark genome—it sounds like a work of science fiction. For a dozen or so biotech companies, investigating this mysterious genetic “dark matter” is at least as exciting as anything dreamt up by a movie studio. Once dismissed as “junk DNA,” the dark genome is increasingly looking like an untouched resource that can provide answers to fundamental processes in life.
Weight loss pills and unhealthy dieting with medication concept

Precision Medicine for Obesity: Targeting a Multifactorial Condition

A report published in 2023, estimates that over 40% of adults in the U.S. have obesity, defined as a body mass index (BMI) of...
Astronaut in the desert looking at the moon

New Frontiers in CDx Development

Where is the field of CDx development headed? Today, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are beginning to make an impact on pharma-diagnostic co-development.

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Image of brain with jigsaw piece missing to illustrate memory loss in Alzheimer's disease and dementia

Global Research Program Launched to Deploy Blood Biomarker Testing of Alzheimer’s Disease

The Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative (DAC) announced that it will collaborate with health systems in Germany, the U.K., Japan, the U.S., and the Netherlands to leverage blood biomarkers and confirmatory diagnostic testing to for early identification of Alzheimer’s disease.
Image of an ovary showing polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS

Anti-Malarial Compound Shows Promise for Treating Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Research shows artemisinin, used in anti-malarial drugs, can treat symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome such as high testosterone levels.
Cancer cells

AI-Powered Liquid Biopsy Delivers Ultrasensitive Cancer Detection

An AI-powered test dubbed MRD-EDGE, detected five patients who had a colorectal-cancer recurrence, without any false negatives. MRD-EDGE, may improve cancer care with very early detection of recurrence and close monitoring of tumor response during therapy.

Daily News

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