IPM Magazine

Volume 09, Issue No. 5, October 2022

Nearly 33 years ago, we started out on a voyage to solve a huge genomic puzzle, 13 years later we had the first three billion lettered draft of the human genome. This was a laudable feat, deserving of the recognition the scientific and political community bestowed upon those that contributed to its completion. The promises of how this would unlock a raft of incurable genetic diseases unfortunately didn’t materialize. Fast forward to this year, nearly two decades on, we have managed to fill in the gaps and create a complete genomic operating manual of human life. I hope this issue stimulates some thought around how far we’ve come and the ongoing path we need to follow. Educating as many as we can along the way will be one of our biggest challenges.

Damian Doherty

Editor in Chief

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Website Content from This Issue

Digging Deep to Release the Power of the Proteome

protein-correlation network analysis

Clinical Sequencing’s Ups and Downs Around the World

Newborn baby being held

Is Clinical Next-Generation Sequencing on the Cusp of a Revolution?

Paving a Data-Savvy Path to Ultra-High-Throughput Genomics

colorectal carcinoma

Twinning is Winning

Young male in stream of digital information

Delivering a New “Post-COVID” Generation of RNA Therapeutics

Translating the Microbiome

Escherichia coli bacteria

Diagnostic Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets of ALT-Positive Cancers

cancer cell

Asked and Answered: Bill Lundberg Talks about Closing in on Cancer, with Precision

3D Rendered Illustration, cancer cell

Five Microbiome Companies Making Waves in 2022

Number 5 graphic

The Pursuit of a Universal Influenza Vaccine

William Haseltine

Relatively Speaking: Building the Future of Genetic Counseling

digital heads

Guiding the Next Wave of Precision Oncology Innovation

Wave splashing

Collaborating to Advance Biomarker Testing

Ultra-Sensitive, Multiplexed Molecular Detection for Biomarker Research

Bio-Rad Laboratories’ QX600 with cancer background

Selection and Evaluation of Ancillary Materials for Cell and Gene Therapy Research

Uncovering the Full Variant Continuum with Pioneering Solutions from Bionano

Discovering the “Paradigm Shift” Associated With Chemoresistance in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

acute myeloid leukemia

The Genomic and Epigenomic Landscape of HPV in Cervical Cancer


The “Multi-tool” for Translational Cancer Research

Multi-tool solid tumor research

MRD Testing in Solid Tumors Using RaDaR™ by NeoGenomics

Inside Precision Medicine