NEXTFLEX® Small RNA Sequencing Kit v3 for Illumina® Platforms
The NEXTFLEX® small RNA-seq kit v3 uses patented and patent-pending technology to provide a reduced-bias small RNA library preparation solution for Illumina® sequencing platforms with gel-free or low-input options. By using randomized adapters, ligation-associated bias is greatly decreased. A bead-based, dual approach for adapter-dimer reduction eliminates the need for PAGE gel purifications when starting with ≥200 ng of total RNA. Additionally, this kit facilitates low input small RNA library preparation with as little as 1 ng of total RNA. The optional addition of UDI barcodes for small RNA sequencing allows multiplexing of up to 192 samples, all while mitigating the risk of index hopping and spread of signal that can occur on a patterned flow cell. The purity of each index sequence is validated by sequencing for high confidence in the resulting sequencing data quality.
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.