![Harmonizing NGS standards is expected to provide a strong evidence base for decisions on coverage of clinical genomic testing and treatment for cancer. [iStock / zmeel] Harmonizing NGS standards is expected to provide a strong evidence base for decisions on coverage of clinical genomic testing and treatment for cancer. [iStock / zmeel]](https://www.insideprecisionmedicine.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/507.jpeg)
The Green Park Collaborative (GPC) and the Molecular Evidence Development Consortium (MED-C) are launching a joint effort to advance personalized medicine by harmonizing standards for next-generation sequencing (NGS)-based cancer registries and databases.
“For the promise of genomic medicine to be realized in oncology, massive quantities of data on cancer phenotypes, genotypes, treatments, and outcomes must be gathered, sorted, and analyzed,” said Sean Tunis, CEO of the Center for the Medical Technology Policy, which initiated the GPC. “While a number of genomics registries and repositories have been initiated or are under development, their value to improve cancer research and patient care will be significantly increased if their respective databases can be aggregated.”
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